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The Importance of Protein in Your Diet Protein is essential for life; it supplies the essential amino acids needed for the growth and maintenance of our cells and tissues.  Proteins are predominant structural and functional mater…

Vitamin B12 | Keep Your Nerves and Cells Healthy

Did You Know at least 40% of People have Weak Vitamin B12 levels? Is a Deficiency in THIS Critical Vitamin Holding You back? Reports from the USDA show a deficiency in this particular vitamin may be more widespread than though…

Vitamin D | Are You Deficient?

Your body NEEDS Vitamin D ( the sunshine vitamin ) to support a healthy immune system. Let me ask you a question… Do you feel achy? Are you tired in the morning – even after a good night’s sleep? Do you have skin problems – lik…

Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

Like many spices, turmeric has a long history of use in traditional medicine. In addition to enhancing flavor and color, turmeric has long been revered for its therapeutic benefits . Turmeric packs a powerful punch of health b…

What Are Food Supplements?

The idea behind food supplements, or nutritional supplements, is to deliver nutrients that may not be consumed in sufficient quantities. These supplements can help assure that you get enough of the essential substances the body n…